The Algerian Embassy in Moscow organized a celebration on the occasion of the National Martyr's Day, expressing the loyalty of the Algerian people and commemorating the sacrifices of the righteous martyrs. This national occasion, which falls on February 18 of each year, was this year under the slogan: "The Martyr an immortal soul and a pioneering path of fidelity"
These celebrations are an opportunity to remember the heroism and sacrifices made by the martyrs for the sake of Algeria's independence, also reflect the keenness of the Algerian community abroad to adhere to its glorious history and affirm the national spirit and loyalty to the sacrifices of the ancestors.
On this occasion, His Excellency Mr. Boumediene Guennad, the Algerian Ambassador to Moscow, delivered a valuable speech, inspired by the message addressed by Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, President of the Republic, to the Algerian people, where His Excellency stressed that Algeria is the country of martyr’s par excellence, and has never forgotten, and will never forget, the great sacrifices made by its sons and daughters in order to regain its freedom and sovereignty.
His Excellency the Ambassador added that the day of February 18, which we celebrate today, was officially adopted on February 18, 1991, after it was proposed by the Coordination of the Children of Martyrs on February 18, 1989 and celebrated for the first time on February 18, 1990, stressing that celebrating this glorious day is an expression of gratitude and appreciation to the sons and daughters of Algeria who sacrificed everything precious and dear so that we can live today free.
Finally, His Excellency the Ambassador stressed that every inch of the pure land of Algeria is irrigated with the blood of the righteous martyrs, and concluded his speech by praying for mercy and forgiveness for the martyrs of the homeland, and long life, health and wellness for the moujahidine who are still alive.
Glory and immortality to our righteous martyrs.
Long live Algeria, free, strong and proud.