The President of the Republic said in an interview with the French newspaper L'Opinion: "God willing, perhaps within two years at most, Algeria will become an emerging country at the level of southern European countries, with a gross domestic product exceeding 400 billion dollars."
“By the beginning of 2027 at the latest, we will have completed our program to build 3.5 million housing units – two million of which have already been delivered – and we will have also finished the water problem, and we will have reduced the import of raw materials for our factories. Our goal is to manufacture as many products as possible locally. We will become one of the largest exporters of phosphates and their derivatives. We will also work on developing solar energy and producing green hydrogen, a new resource that will enhance Algeria’s industrial attractiveness,” he added.
The President of the Republic explained that this strategy "will also enable us to increase our capacity to supply Europe with energy," noting that Algeria is also working to enhance its food security and mobilize more water resources.
French development aid: $20-30 million per year versus a state budget of $130 billion per year
In response to a question regarding the French development "aid" provided to Algeria and the possibility of cancelling it, the President of the Republic considered that any call to cancel this "aid" simply reflects "a deep ignorance of Algeria."
He said, in this regard, that it "ranges between 20 and 30 million dollars annually, while the Algerian state budget amounts to 130 billion dollars, and we do not have external debts."
He also mentioned that Algeria "annually funds 6,000 scholarships for African students, in addition to a road linking Algeria to Mauritania at a cost of more than one billion dollars. It also recently cancelled debts worth 1.4 billion dollars for 12 African countries."
The President of the Republic clearly stressed that Algeria does not need this "aid", which in reality only serves French interests. He said firmly, "We do not need this money, which serves above all the foreign interests of France."
In response to a question regarding economic cooperation with China, the President of the Republic explained that "the Chinese are interested in several sectors of activity (in Algeria), starting from the latest technologies to electronics, passing through digital technology and lithium batteries, as we have this raw material."
In this regard, he mentioned that the Chinese operators "came initially to build housing, which angered French groups such as Bouygues", which was interested in the Algiers Mosque deal.
"The Chinese have provided the best offers in the shortest time, and we are satisfied with their services," he said in this regard.
The President of the Republic also praised the cooperation with Italy, which "has always been a very reliable partner."
"Our Italian friends are well-intentioned. We help each other, and Italy strengthens its economic position every year," he added.
Review of the EU Association Agreement: Ability to export on preferential terms
In response to a question about the reasons that prompted Algeria to request a review of the partnership agreement with the European Union, the President of the Republic explained that this request is dictated by the country’s concern,
Which is rich in diverse industrial production, to see its exports enter the European market on preferential terms.
He added, "Our ambition in the field of export is growing: in 2005, we had no significant production other than fuel. Today, we have national industrial production."
In this regard, the President of the Republic explained that "all electrical household appliances are Algerian. Our agriculture, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization, generates 37 billion dollars annually. We export legumes to Tunisia, Mauritania and the Middle East," stressing the need to "review the agreement so that our agricultural products and steel can enter the European market under preferential conditions."