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Embassy of Algeria in Moscow

Press release from the Council of Ministers

Press release from the Council of Ministers
Press release from the Council of Ministers

ALGIERS - The President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defense, chaired a meeting of the Council of Ministers devoted to presentations concerning several sectors, indicates a press release from the Council, of which here is the APS translation:

"The President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defense, chaired a meeting of the Council of Ministers devoted to several presentations, including the progress of the construction of the section of the railway line (Gara Djebilet - Béchar), the preliminary studies of the railway projects linking (Laghouat - Tamanrasset) and (El Meniaa - Timimoun - Adrar), in addition to examining the possibility of importing livestock in anticipation of Eid El-Adha.

After the presentation by the Prime Minister of the government's activity over the last two weeks, followed by interventions by the ministers on the draft laws and presentations, the President of the Republic gave the following instructions, directives and guidelines:

After listening to a detailed presentation by the High Commissioner for Digitalisation on the digital interconnection of national tax data with the national digital database.

- Mr. President has ordered to further accelerate this interconnection project in order to eliminate any human intervention in data management.

- This approach will facilitate the missions of investors, on the one hand, and ensure transparency in the recovery, monitoring and tax regularization, given that the process will be entirely digitalized.


Regarding the possibility of importing livestock on the occasion of Eid El-Adha:

The President of the Republic has ordered the Minister of Agriculture:

- To draw up specifications in order to launch, as soon as possible, an international consultation with countries capable of providing up to one million heads of cattle in anticipation of Eid El-Adha.

- Include a price ceiling in the specifications.

- Entrust the State with imports via its establishments and organizations specialized in the sector.

- Use of specialized public cooperatives across the wilayas for the sale of livestock, in coordination with the authorities and institutions authorized for the sale.

- Possibility of sale via the social works services of organizations, institutions and companies, the latter having to take charge of distribution and coordination with social partners.


Regarding the progress of the construction of the railway line (Gara Djebilet - Béchar) and the preliminary studies of the railway line project (Laghouat - Tamanrasset) and (El Meniaa - Timimoun - Adrar):

- The President ordered the immediate launch of the implementation of the railway line project linking Laghouat to Tamanrasset, and the El Meniaa - Timimoun - Adrar line, due to their extreme strategic importance for the national economy, as well as for the social dimension of Algeria, which has initiated a pioneering development dynamic with a national, continental and international impact.


Regarding the presentation on the marble industry:

- The President of the Republic ordered the organization of this ancient and strategic sector, as well as the collaboration with professional international partners and leaders in this industry.

- In order to support the national product, Mr. President ordered the ban on the import of finished marble slabs, while launching new investments and introducing reforms in this industry.

- The President of the Republic encouraged the leaders of this sector to raise the investment threshold in a carefully studied manner, being a significant source of foreign currency, and a provider of jobs for young people.


Regarding the start of the vocational training year in February 2025:

- Mr. President stressed that the sector is now attracting more young people after the Ministry adopted a new vision of training, adapted to market demand in strategic specialties.

- He ordered to train more young people in the agricultural sector, especially in the sectors of livestock breeding within the framework of family production, arboriculture, as well as broad-use orchardiculture, which allows the use of modern scientific technologies.

- The President also ordered the organization of a national fair dedicated to small livestock breeders, in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture.


Before the closing, the Council of Ministers approved a presidential decree on an agreement between Algeria and Slovenia, a friendly country, on the mutual exemption from the requirements for obtaining short-stay visas for holders of diplomatic and mission passports.

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